Friday, July 23, 2010

How to make file size smaller for a bebo skin?

I am using GIMP to make bebo skins, and i made one and uploaded it, but the only thing that woudlnt upload was the main background.

It said : main_bg file size is too large. Actual is 87668, maximum allowed is 40000, please rectify and upload again

I tried to make the main background again, but it still said that ^^^

i need to make the file size smaller


How to make file size smaller for a bebo skin?
No disregard the person above.

Open your image in The GIMP

go to file%26gt;save as

Click select file type and select JPEG

Click save

then it should take you to a screen that says save as JPEG with a little scroll bar slidey thing.

Check the box where it says show preview in image window

Then Drag the little slidey thing where it says 'quality' until you get to an appropriate file size (it should say that in bold below the slider.

Then Click Ok
Reply:87kB or mB? i think mB! you'nt given extention of file. Save ur img in these size sorted extensions PNG, JPG, GIF.

Make ur img resolution to appropriate. hmm... may be 1024 x 768.

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