Saturday, July 24, 2010

How do you save a BEBO web page so that yo can display it as a still picture!!!?

I am a BEBO Skin maker and want to display in full the skins I have made.

How do you save a BEBO web page so that yo can display it as a still picture!!!?
I am sure others will have easier answers, mine is quite elementary...

Go to the page you want to capture

Hit the button on your keyboard that says print screen

this will save the entire page onto your clipboard

go to an editing program..paint will work for Windows users

paste the page into that

then save the file and you have a still image
Reply:On your keyboard theres a key which says Print Screen, while you have your web page open with the page you wana save press it, then go into Paint, and paste, ta da!! =)

You made any good christmas skins??
Reply:1. Press Ctrl + Prt Scr

2. Open paint

3. Press Control + V

4. Select what you want

5. Save =]

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