You will need a good program to edit pictures and graphics but i just use Paint which comes with all Windows 95-XP Machines because it is so simple, all you need to do is get the right measurements (which i will tell you in a minute) and the pictures you want for your skin.
Here are the measurements you will need to make your Bebo Skin:
Main Background (main_bg) - 760 x 375
Navigational Background (nav_bg) - 760 x 40
Module Header - (module_head) - 375 x 44
Module Background - (module_bg) - 375 x 50
Main Icon (main_icon) - 20 x 20
Main Footer (main_footer) - 11 x 15
Module Line (module_line) - 32 x 3
Now your probably thinking well what is the Main Background and the Module Footer etc… well this is what they are:
Main Background (main_bg) - This is the main part of your skin, this is the front page picture.
Navigational Background (nav_bg) - This is at the top of your page which features All, Comments, Blog…
Module Header - (module_head) - This is the Header for all your Comments, Blogs and Photo’s etc…
Module Background - (module_bg) - This is the Bottom for all your Comments, Blogs and Photo’s etc…
Main Icon (main_icon) - These are the little icons that are underneath your profile picture.
Main Footer (main_footer) - This is situated at the bottom of your Main Profile to separate Comments etc…
Module Line (module_line) - This separates your comments from other comments.
Now The Most Important part of making a Skin is you cannot go over the File Size (KB) Limit, here are the file sizes:
Main Background (main_bg) - 40.00kb
Navigational Background (nav_bg) - 10.00kb
Module Header - (module_head) - 10.00kb
Module Background - (module_bg) - 10.00kb
Main Icon (main_icon) - 1.0kb
Main Footer (main_footer) - 1.0kb
Module Line (module_line) - 1.0kb
Well now you know all the details all you simply have to do is add pictures, graphics and text to your templates, make sure you save your skins as either a .jpg/.jpeg file or .gif file because Bebo does Not support Bitmap (.bmp).
Good Luck and remember keep trying because practice makes perfect.
If You would like to make an Animated Skin then you will have to do exaxtly the same but you cannot use Paint as it does not support moving .gif files, you will need to download something like: Animation Shop, Paintshop Pro, Fireworks 4 etc… (You must save your moving skins as a .gif file or they will not animate!!)
I Hope this All Helps.
golden ball
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